Whilst looking at different varieties of photoshoots, magazine covers and pictures online I've considered Laura Mulvey's Male Gaze. I've thought about how people may look at the photo on the cover and how I want people to look at the photo. I want the photo to show personality through the style of clothing and how they look (overall image) and i want it to link with the music genre. I want the viewer to be given a clear understanding of what the music genre of the magazine is and I want this to be made very obviously. Also i want to avoid only attracting people who are interested in the music genre...So i want to make sure the image also inspires to females who may want to look like this artist and therefore read about her and copy her image (which is the effect mostly all magazines have).
I've been looking at different types of magazines that reflect the personality i want to achieve in my photo.
I've been looking at different types of magazines that reflect the personality i want to achieve in my photo.
-yet stilll mysterious.
This will show that the artist and the music genre is daring (as there's not a lot of female artists that do dance genre music). It also relates to the artist being dominant and professional with what they do. It gives a sense that their proud of their music and their not the kind of artist that does the 'innocent' more 'kinder to the ears' music.
The Jennifer Aniston Vogue cover shows what kind of 'stance/pose' I want (whether I use it for my final idea or not). The pose is very natural and pretty which women will inspire to (I also want to achieve that effect) however the outfit makes it more mature and gives a sense of mischief too which is what I also want to achieve. I don't want the model to come across as too young and wild and I think this cover achieves the young but mature look well.
The two poses i'm focuses my ideas around at the moment is
-Invitational or
-Chocolate Box
Both these poses can portray mischief and unique which links with the type of artist and music that i want to use.
The two poses i'm focuses my ideas around at the moment is
-Invitational or
-Chocolate Box
Both these poses can portray mischief and unique which links with the type of artist and music that i want to use.
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